Mulch film
Mulching is an agricultural technique that involves covering the soil's surface with some material to protect it, improve its properties, and create favorable conditions for growing crops.
Man has not invented mulching but has borrowed it from nature. Fallen leaves, last year's grass - that is the natural mulch. In addition to organic materials for mulching (straw, sawdust, shredded bark, needles, and others), inorganic materials are widely used. This is a non-woven material and film. Each of these materials has its characteristics and its supporters among gardeners. In the agricultural industry, the film is traditionally used for mulching.
What a professional mulch film should be
Totally opaque - suppresses weed growth;
Resistant to puncture and tear - you can walk on the film; it will not break the sharp sprouts of weeds;
Light-stabilized - resistant to UV light;
Elastic and thin – tightly adheres to the soil;
Resistant to cracking - holes made in the film do not increase over time;
Frost-resistant - can be left over the winter - protecting the root system in winter;
Long Lasting – lasts 5 years without deterioration.
Our mulch film SVETLITSA тм GROUND fully meets these requirements, so its use will provide you with high mulching efficiency.
What effects does film mulching have
Prevents weeds growth;
Accelerates soil warming in the spring period;
Keeps moisture in the soil, reduces the amount of watering by 1.5 - 2 times;
Retains fertilizers and nutrients in the soil;
Prevents the formation of soil crust, no need to loosen;
Protects the root system from wind, temperature extremes, overheating and cold;
Promotes the development of a more branched root system;
Speeds up the ripening time of crops by 1 - 2 weeks;
Increases crop yields by 30-50%;
Reduces the incidence of garden strawberry gray rot by 80%;
Reduces humidity in the greenhouse and reduces the incidence of tomato phytophthora by 45%.
What crops are usually grown under the mulch film?
Garden strawberries;
Perennial shrubs - currants, gooseberries, honeysuckle, etc.;
Potatoes (grown without hilling);
Ornamental and medicinal plants.
On the peculiarities of mulching each crop you can find special materials.
Pay attention
In greenhouses, black film for mulching (or black and white film with the black side up) is not recommended in hot weather because of the possible overheating of the soil. Instead, use black and white film with the white side up or film of other colors.
When mulching crops on low, prone to waterlogging plots, arrange high beds. Otherwise, the root system of plants can begin to rot, and mold can appear under the film.
Our catalog contains mulch film SVETLITSA ™ GROUND in the following colours:
Single-layer black
Double-layer black and white
- You can order from us the mulch film in the color, width, and thickness you need from 1 ton (about 30 rolls of 400 linear meters in width of 1.4 m).