Artificial pond in your garden. Part 1
5 June 2019 17:42
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Tips for making a pond. Part 1
With or without a waterfall?
How to make a pond in the garden with their own hands. Part 1
It is well known that a body of water adds zest and unique charm to any garden. The gentle murmuring of water, water lilies swaying gently on the surface, fish fins gleaming in the sun, the rustling of the transparent wings of dragonflies - the reservoir brings peace and tranquility to your life. After a busy day of gardening, you can sit down on a favorite bench on the bank and rest, recuperate. And where do your garden's guests go first? A lovingly and imaginatively made pond will be a source of special pride for you. Make a small pond is not as difficult as it looks, and anyone can make one with their own hands.
First, decide whether it will be a pond with a fountain and bright colors, a romantic pond with water lilies and fish, or a pool to dip into a hot day. This is where you can fully express your individuality and give space to your imagination. However, there are general tips that we are happy to share with you, whichever option you choose.
Choice of pond style
When choosing the style and configuration of your pond, rely primarily on your taste, of course, but do not forget that the pond must match the overall style of the garden. There are two basic styles of a garden pond: regular (regular shape) and landscape (freeform).
If your future pond is near a building or paved walkway, we recommend you opt for a traditional style. Strict geometric shapes - square, rectangular, oval, or round will connect the outlines of the pond with the lines of the surrounding landscape. For a modernist-style garden, it is better to choose a more complex but still proper shape, such as a triangular.
If you have a complex garden topography or lack a strictly defined style, opt for a looser style of the pond, which will reflect the natural lines of the area.
"Revitalize" the reservoir can, if you complement it with a fountain, arrange an artificial stream or waterfall.
Ready-made fountains of various models - from classical to avant-garde - will require only electricity. Mysterious, magical fountain becomes at night if you equip it with additional lighting.
A waterfall can become an independent decoration of the garden and a bright element of the pond. It is possible to arrange a waterfall in a pond, combined with an alpinarium. For the effect of falling water on the way, it should be a few ledges 15-30 cm high. In addition, water can flow through hollow tree trunks or bamboo tubes and fall to the pond's water surface—drainage of excess water into the drain (or drainage trench).
The water supply for the artificial stream is made with a garden hose, one end of which is connected to the pump, and the other end is masked among the rocks. Plants recommended for planting along the stream are European meadowsweet, meadow tea, white-winged wormwood, key veronica, and Japanese calamus.
So, the style of the reservoir is chosen.
Choice of size and location on the site
The following rules are usually adhered to here:
And even if you already have a pond in the garden, why not make another one, tiny - on your favorite alpine hill or flower bed. After all, even a pond about 5 cm deep creates a special romantic mood and a sense of harmony. Shallow decorative ponds look effective in the design of coins or decorative multicolored stones. You can think of many other ways to decorate a small pond.
You will find tips on pond technology in the next issue of the magazine.
The best season to build an artificial reservoir is summer, when the weather is firmly established, warm and dry. We wish you interesting ideas and, of course, their speedy implementation.
Т. Fedorova, SPF "Shar"
How to make a pond in the garden with their own hands. Part 1
Published in Flora-Price magazine, June 2004, St. Petersburg
It is well known that a body of water adds zest and unique charm to any garden. The gentle murmuring of water, water lilies swaying gently on the surface, fish fins gleaming in the sun, the rustling of the transparent wings of dragonflies - the reservoir brings peace and tranquility to your life. After a busy day of gardening, you can sit down on a favorite bench on the bank and rest, recuperate. And where do your garden's guests go first? A lovingly and imaginatively made pond will be a source of special pride for you. Make a small pond is not as difficult as it looks, and anyone can make one with their own hands.
First, decide whether it will be a pond with a fountain and bright colors, a romantic pond with water lilies and fish, or a pool to dip into a hot day. This is where you can fully express your individuality and give space to your imagination. However, there are general tips that we are happy to share with you, whichever option you choose.
Choice of pond style
When choosing the style and configuration of your pond, rely primarily on your taste, of course, but do not forget that the pond must match the overall style of the garden. There are two basic styles of a garden pond: regular (regular shape) and landscape (freeform).
If your future pond is near a building or paved walkway, we recommend you opt for a traditional style. Strict geometric shapes - square, rectangular, oval, or round will connect the outlines of the pond with the lines of the surrounding landscape. For a modernist-style garden, it is better to choose a more complex but still proper shape, such as a triangular.
If you have a complex garden topography or lack a strictly defined style, opt for a looser style of the pond, which will reflect the natural lines of the area.
"Revitalize" the reservoir can, if you complement it with a fountain, arrange an artificial stream or waterfall.
Ready-made fountains of various models - from classical to avant-garde - will require only electricity. Mysterious, magical fountain becomes at night if you equip it with additional lighting.
A waterfall can become an independent decoration of the garden and a bright element of the pond. It is possible to arrange a waterfall in a pond, combined with an alpinarium. For the effect of falling water on the way, it should be a few ledges 15-30 cm high. In addition, water can flow through hollow tree trunks or bamboo tubes and fall to the pond's water surface—drainage of excess water into the drain (or drainage trench).
Artificial creek
Artificial streams are constructed in the same way as ponds, using special tubs or film. The width, length, and depth of the stream are chosen arbitrarily. When planning the size of the stream, remember that its width will be reduced by planting plants and edging. The starting point for the stream can be a boulder stone with an uneven surface. The construction of the stream begins with preparing a trench, removing stones and roots from the bottom of the trench, thoroughly compacting the soil, and finally laying waterproofing material. The latter can be either a film or a ready-made rigid form. Some molds are prudently equipped with sides "under the rocks" and protective rollers on the passes, preventing the washing away of aquatic plants with moving water. The edges of the film are fixed below the ground level; this will allow the ground to soak up moisture. Water plants can be planted along stream banks, and boulders or pebbles can be "scattered" around. A wooden bridge can be an interesting addition to the stream.The water supply for the artificial stream is made with a garden hose, one end of which is connected to the pump, and the other end is masked among the rocks. Plants recommended for planting along the stream are European meadowsweet, meadow tea, white-winged wormwood, key veronica, and Japanese calamus.
So, the style of the reservoir is chosen.
Choice of size and location on the site
The following rules are usually adhered to here:
- The pond must occupy no more than 1/10 of the plot.
- It should be in a sufficiently sunny location so that the plants and pond dwellers get enough light. Note that a tiny pond should not overheat in the midday sun, preferably in the afternoon in the penumbra.
- Avoid the immediate proximity of deciduous trees to the pond, as fallen leaves and flower blossoms that enter the water can significantly reduce the oxygen supply in the water. In addition, the roots of trees and shrubs growing near the pond can damage the flexible waterproofing layer of film.
- Do not place the reservoir in a poorly drained part of the garden, as it will flood in the spring and during long rains, and it won't be easy to keep it tidy. In any case, one of the sides should be lowered, and then in the rain, the excess water will overflow in this place, forming an artificial swamp, and then go into the ground.
- It is desirable that the pond was visible from the house (firstly, you can often admire it) to ensure that children do not take water procedures in inappropriate weather).
- Keep in mind that the larger the pond, the easier it is to achieve biological equilibrium and the easier it is to take care of.
- Artificial pond looks more natural if its far bank is "raised" (with the house or garden bench). For this, you can use the earth from the excavation.
- The banks of the reservoir, where the fish will live, should be high enough, and the depth - be at least 60 cm.
And even if you already have a pond in the garden, why not make another one, tiny - on your favorite alpine hill or flower bed. After all, even a pond about 5 cm deep creates a special romantic mood and a sense of harmony. Shallow decorative ponds look effective in the design of coins or decorative multicolored stones. You can think of many other ways to decorate a small pond.
You will find tips on pond technology in the next issue of the magazine.
The best season to build an artificial reservoir is summer, when the weather is firmly established, warm and dry. We wish you interesting ideas and, of course, their speedy implementation.
Т. Fedorova, SPF "Shar"
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